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Juni has been through more in her four years of life than most experience in an entire lifetime. However, somehow, she keeps smiling... or sparkling as we often call it. If she can do hard things and keep going, so can we. That's why we are thrilled to take on this year’s Trailblaze Challenge- a 26.3 mile trek in July at Silver Falls State Park in support of Make-A-Wish® Oregon. 

For a donation of $10 or more, you can receive a special sticker to celebrate Juni and support our mission to make more wishes come true in our community!

You can find each sticker design to the right and descriptions below!

Cheese Designs: Juniper participates in a ton of therapies (physical, occupation, speech, etc.). One of the few things that motivates her in particularly challenging therapy sessions has been cheese. 

Junicorn: Juniper was diagnosed with a rare form of pediatric epilepsy when she was six months old and underwent brain surgery at 9 and 12 months old in an attempt to stop the seizures. Unfortunately, the surgery did not work. Even with extensive testing, we do not know the cause of Juniper's epilepsy. We often call her a "Junicorn" because of how rare she is; rare diagnoses, rare surgery outcome, and most of all, a rare ability to keep sparkling. 

Thank you for joining us in helping grant wishes for children with critical illnesses, just like Juniper. You prove hope and joy during these uncertain times is possible!

*Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery

Juniper's Sticker Fundraiser
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Will Hike for Cheese Sold Out
0 Remaining

The Mountains Are Calling Sold Out
0 Remaining

Rare Junicorn Sold Out
0 Remaining

I would like to make an additional donation
